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Exhibition Judges Home Page


Exhibition Judges

Becoming an American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) Exhibition Judge carries with it serious responsibilities in training and judging. Exhibition judges are always to be guided by the knowledge that they are representatives of the AHS, and their actions reflect directly upon the AHS. The obvious and key responsibility of judges is to enhance the image of the AHS in all possible ways. There are two very important functions of exhibition judges. First, there are the basic requirements for their training and continuing education; and secondly, there is the ethical demeanor with which they discharge their judging responsibilities. For more information about becoming an AHS Exhibition Judge.


There are approximately 300 Certified AHS Exhibition Judges in 2024. The link below will take you to a list of these judges, organized by Region. Judges who need judging assignments should contact your region's Judging Liaison.

2024 Certified AHS Exhibition Judges
(Updated April 2024)

Updates or questions on this list should be emailed to the Exhibition Judges Chair using this link.

AHS Exhibitions Handbook

Members can download a free copy of the handbook from the Portal Store

The AHS Exhibitions Handbook is the complete guide for conducting and judging Daylily Shows. It is the primary document for all AHS Judges and for those hosting Daylily Shows. It is also the basis for all judges training materials and for instructors. Below are links to PDF copies of this document for printing and for computer viewing.  

If you prefer a full-color, glossy, hard copy please visit AMAZON.





AHS Exhibition Judges Training Materials and Documentation

AHS Exhibition Judges have the following five levels of accreditation:

  1. Student-in-Training (Must have satisfactorily completed Clinic I)
  2. Junior Exhibition Judge (Must have satisfactorily completed Clinic I)
  3. Senior Exhibition Judge (Must have satisfactorily completed Clinic II and must complete Clinic III every four years to maintain accreditation)
  4. Exhibition Clinic Instructor (Requirements covered in the AHS Exhibitions Handbook)
  5. Honorary Exhibition Judge (Requirement covered in the AHS Exhibitions Handbook)

The AHS Exhibitions Handbook gives complete accreditation details for each of the above five levels.

The following forms and documents are available for AHS Exhibition Judges Instructors when conducting Exhibition Judges Clinics I, II, and III.

All clinics must be approved at least six weeks in advance by the Judges Education Expediter.


All Clinics

Exhibition Judges Clinic - Student Registration Sheets (Updated 6/1/2019)

Exhibition Judges Clinic - Final Report Form (Updated 1/11/2022)

Daylilies Needed for Instructional Purposes listing (Updated 1/1/12)

Point Scoring Guidelines (Updated 2/1/2017)

Updated 2017 Seedling Distinction Checklist for Judges (Updated 2/3/2017)

PowerPoint Overview of What's New In the 2017 Exhibition Judges Handbook (Updated 2/1/2017)

Video Presentation of What's New In the 2017 Exhibition Judges Handbook (Updated 2/1/2017)

Exhibition Clinic I PowerPoint Presentation (Updated 9/7/2022)

Application for Exhibition Judge Student-in-training Status and Clinic I Evaluation (Updated 6/1/2019)

Note: Curriculum, exams and additional forms must be requested by completing above application.

Clinic II

Exhibition Judges Clinic II Clinic Application (Updated 1/11/2022)

Exhibition Judges Clinic II Student Instructions and Materials Form (Updated 2/1/2017)

Point Scoring Guidelines (Updated 2/1/2017)

Exhibition Clinic II PowerPoint Presentation (Updated 9/7/2022)

Student Point Scoring Examination Practice Sheet - Registered Cultivars (Updated 7/11/2014)

Student Point Scoring Examination Practice Sheet - Seedling Cultivars (Updated 1/14/2013)

Student Point Scoring Examination Sheet -Registered Cultivars (Updated 7/11/2014)

Student Point Scoring Examination Sheet- Seedling Cultivars (Updated 5/24/2013)

Senior Exhibition Judge Application Form (Updated 1/11/2022)

Exhibition Judges Clinic II Evaluation (Updated 6/26/2019)

Clinic III

Exhibition Judges Clinic III Application Form (Updated 1/11/2022)

Exhibition Clinic III: PowerPoint Presentation (Updated 9/7/2022)

Clinic III Evaluation Form (Updated 1/11/2022)


Exhibition Judge's Re-certification Form (Updated 1/11/2022)

Master Panel

Master Panel Guidelines (Updated 2/1/2017)

Master Panel Sign-in Sheet (Updated 2/1/2017)

Master Panel Scoring Sheet for Registered Cultivars (Updated 2/1/2017)

Master Panel Scoring Sheet for Seedlings (Updated 2/1/2017)



Exhibition Judges' Instructor Application




The American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. (AHS) is a non-profit organization. The AHS is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, and especially to promote, encourage, and foster the development and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis and public interest therein. These purposes are expressly limited so that AHS qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue Law.